Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merry Christmas 2008
Dustin got the bug to take pictures of the kids before church the Sunday before Christmas!!!!!!! I had to finally tell him to stop because we were going to be late. The photo is a perfect description of each child. Isaac, mister serious, Dallan is the charmer, and little Alyssa can you say princess!


stacibee said...

SOOO cute! I'm totally impressed Rachel! I loved your family description, minus the part about moving to Davis County...sometime soon!? What is that about?!

Shay said...

Wow!! I cannot believe you found me, I am soooo excited. I think about you all of the time and wonder what you are up to. You were such a big part of my life back in the day. You look so happy and your kids are so cute! Let's keep in touch! Tell Jeremy and Amberleigh I said hi!

a said...

Those pictures are sooo cute! Looks like you had a great christmas!
Amanda Palsson Armstrong